Watch this video to find out how your school can apply Solmates to your classes.
Mid 2016, company and program founder James Fraser was heavily involved in the implementation of a similar, peer to peer solar gifting program in a local Brisbane school in Australia.
You will see James in the video at 1.54 sec ; he is the distinguished looking guy with grey hair offering a solutions to a poverty problem. He made me write that :-)
The concept is so good and effective that ABC News ran a story.
Watch this to see how it works in the class room and how it could work for your school.
Everyone went home happy !
The program has universal appeal...
Over the past two years The Embrace Solar team and have been involved in a large number of solar gifting programs in Australian schools with more currently signing up.
The universal nature of our peer to peer program is demonstrated by how schools that are significantly different in size , location and demographics such as Caulfield South Primary School in Melbournes' south and the Elliminyt Primary School in the farming district of Colac in Victoria have participated.